Discouraging an insanely gifted athlete from popping up onto kitchen counters would seem a hopeless endeavor. Yet there are persistent, determined cat owners who have succeeded.
However if you happen to live with a cat more persistent and determined than you are, but the idea of a cat on kitchen counters drives you crazy, perhaps the following will help:
1. Disgust the cat with a scented cleaning product. Generally speaking, if it smells good to us you’re on to something. Use it regularly to remove/neutralize scent.
2. Be mindful of the objects you leave on a counter. I left an envelope on Sapphire’s kitchen island scented with my prints along with the prints of her owner and front desk personnel. The next morning I found the envelope plus a notepad, pen, and, thankfully, an unbreakable tabletop decoration on the floor. It was my fault. To Sapphire I had left breaking news on the counter and walked away. Of course she investigated and, while there, decided to rearrange a few things.
3. Objects left on kitchen counters should be things that are appreciated or utilized without much handling. I’m pretty sure most cats don’t care for the smell of coffee, but curious cats will be drawn to unsupervised electronic devices or anything heavy with your scent.
4. It may be true your cat doesn’t want the sandwich left on the counter but for sure s/he will be drawn to your scent, which covers it.
5. While it’s fun and oh-so-easy for a cat to hop onto a counter, how we use counters and what we leave behind are usually the biggest attractions. To a cat (or dog) the power of your scent cannot be overstated.